Os presentamos un blog especialmente dedicado a la Aviación Civil, donde poder ponerse al día con las últimas noticias del sector aéreo. En el texto se incluyen una serie de enlaces muy interesantes y suscripciones a las noticias que os recomendamos.
A Fresh Look at Aviation
http://www.itfglobal.org/en/global/ | |
Welcome to the new ITF Aviation Blog – where the ITF civil aviation section brings you the latest information from ITF unions and the industry. We have created a new communication toolkit using the latest technology as well as social networks. We want it to be a continually growing resource on aviation issues that affect workers in civil aviation: cabin crew, airline ground staff, pilots, airport workers and air traffic management staff, amongst others. It’ll be just in English at first – we plan to add French and Spanish soon. Distribute this message about the blog to your members and to other workers – let’s build a truly active site for aviation workers.
1. ITF aviation blog: you can visit the blog at: www.itfglobal.org/itfaviationblog and subscribe to email updates using the link on the right of the page. You can also leave comments and discuss topics with other activists. 2. Facebook group ITFaviation: If you have a Facebook account, then it’s really easy to join this page. You will receive information from the blog directly on your Facebook wall. 3. Twitter@itfaviation : If you have a Twitter account, be sure to follow us @itfaviation. |